
Good day dear reader,

I thought I'd open this blog with a cursory warning.

The contents of this blog are made up of a combination of my personal opinion and factual snippets. I will make no apologies for my personal opinion, as like Ronseal, it is exactly what it says on the tin.

If you do not agree with my opinion then please leave a comment or send me a PM; but always remember, just like with the TV, you don’t have to read on if you are offended/enraged. You are free at any time to leave my blog and never return.

This clause, even to me, is sounding like I am some kind of right wing monster. In fact I am a liberal, but I do know how high a soapbox the ‘morally offended’ seem to climb on when given a poke.

Thank you for reading this far…..I hope you do stay to read further.


Katia said...

Hi there! Thanks for the comment in my blog! I'm really glad to know you like it.
All the best from Brazil!! ^.^

Southern Plate said...

Hello! Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! You are so very kind!

jhulyjohns said...

I am not very good in English, but I want to thank you for visiting my blog and leave a very nice and sweet comment. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathryn,thanks for your comment on my blog. Yes I do all my things in silver.
// Catarina

hosts4blogs said...

Nice to see another Office Space fan blogging. Thanks for visiting my site.


Jane said...

Hi Kathryn...Thanks for the compliment!