ID cards are a topic that is particularly under discussed in the UK.
Not since during and just post WWII has it been mandatory for a UK citizen to carry ID at all times. Back then of course it was just basic information; now however, the new ID cards being introduced will have everything about you on them.
Now these are being brought in under the guise of homeland security. This of course in a morally balanced and secure situation is almost passable as a good idea. However we don't live in a balanced and secure world.
I totally object to submitting my genetic profile, finger print, retinal scan and general statistics to a government database that will potentially be no more safe than all the information that has already been left on trains or sold accidentally on ebay.
What if your card is stolen from you? Who will be responsible for getting your entire identity back?
No government should have the right to monitor its population in such a detailed personal way. Especially as there is no way of guarding against the abuse of this information by a more unscrupulous government or agency in the future.
Added to this, of course, is the cost. This piece of plastic that will hold all of your information will set you back £100 and can not be used as a passport. So to travel abroad you will also have to fork out a further £75 (current price) for a passport.
For all of these reasons I will NOT be getting one when they are introduced. I will NOT be getting one when they send me a formal letter asking me to. I will NOT get one when they threaten legal action. I will NOT get one when they tell me I will be fined if I do not conform. And when I don't pay their fine I will go to court and stand up for myself as a British citizen with the right to refuse my information under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998.
The Diet Industry
Today I would like to congratulate Geoffrey Cannon on the release of his book stating the blatantly obvious for anyone with two brain cells to rub together; ‘Dieting Makes You Fat’.
There is, of course, a slight misnomer in the title anyway, as all ways of eating are types of diet; but I’ll let him get away with that today.
The clue really is in the title of this blog, the diet ‘industry’. Without the millions of us suckers believing that by taking a course of tablets that contain an amphetamine (similar to speed) or by cutting back on a food group or worse still only eating one food group; that they will be the answer to all of our weight retention worries.
These things of course will work. If you are eating less than your body needs to run itself or taking a substance that temporarily makes your body’s metabolism speed up, then indeed you will begin to burn the fat you’re storing. This is why it works quite quickly; you’re body thinks you’re starving to death so starts using the stored resources to keep you running.
Now, here’s another obvious thing. If you have informed your body you are starving to death, the food you are eating will be broken down differently to last you longer. This by-product of the slimming diet is of course inconsequential as you watch the weight fall off.
Now, if the type of diet you had before this slimming diet made you fat, why would it not make you fat again when you finish the slimming diet and return to it?
Quite simply, it will. You were eating an imbalanced diet and not doing enough exercise, which is why you were fat.
Now there is an extra dimension to the problem. As you start eating normally again, you’re body is still running like you are starving to death. So your food intake goes up and your body stores even more of it than before, to make very sure that when the food runs out again, you will be able to go on for longer.
So, the weight goes back on, another season starts and the diet industry tells you that yet again, you are just too fat and ugly. The last slimming diet didn’t work…but you’re sure the next one definitely will.
Geoffrey Cannon, in his new book, states the supurbly obvious। If you want to get slimmer and healthier then take a long hard look at your lifestyle. Only you has made you fat, no-one else. You can’t blame McDonalds or Burger King or companies who make the ready meals you buy because you’re ‘just too busy’ to put pasta in a sauce pan or a potato in the oven and just ‘too tired’ to do a bit of exercise twice a week. They don’t come to your house, tie you down and make you swallow.
The only one to blame is you and your lazyness. It’s far easier to keep doing the fad diets and blame the world for your inadequacies than take responsibility for yourself.
There is, of course, a slight misnomer in the title anyway, as all ways of eating are types of diet; but I’ll let him get away with that today.
The clue really is in the title of this blog, the diet ‘industry’. Without the millions of us suckers believing that by taking a course of tablets that contain an amphetamine (similar to speed) or by cutting back on a food group or worse still only eating one food group; that they will be the answer to all of our weight retention worries.
These things of course will work. If you are eating less than your body needs to run itself or taking a substance that temporarily makes your body’s metabolism speed up, then indeed you will begin to burn the fat you’re storing. This is why it works quite quickly; you’re body thinks you’re starving to death so starts using the stored resources to keep you running.
Now, here’s another obvious thing. If you have informed your body you are starving to death, the food you are eating will be broken down differently to last you longer. This by-product of the slimming diet is of course inconsequential as you watch the weight fall off.
Now, if the type of diet you had before this slimming diet made you fat, why would it not make you fat again when you finish the slimming diet and return to it?
Quite simply, it will. You were eating an imbalanced diet and not doing enough exercise, which is why you were fat.
Now there is an extra dimension to the problem. As you start eating normally again, you’re body is still running like you are starving to death. So your food intake goes up and your body stores even more of it than before, to make very sure that when the food runs out again, you will be able to go on for longer.
So, the weight goes back on, another season starts and the diet industry tells you that yet again, you are just too fat and ugly. The last slimming diet didn’t work…but you’re sure the next one definitely will.
Geoffrey Cannon, in his new book, states the supurbly obvious। If you want to get slimmer and healthier then take a long hard look at your lifestyle. Only you has made you fat, no-one else. You can’t blame McDonalds or Burger King or companies who make the ready meals you buy because you’re ‘just too busy’ to put pasta in a sauce pan or a potato in the oven and just ‘too tired’ to do a bit of exercise twice a week. They don’t come to your house, tie you down and make you swallow.
The only one to blame is you and your lazyness. It’s far easier to keep doing the fad diets and blame the world for your inadequacies than take responsibility for yourself.
Good day dear reader,
I thought I'd open this blog with a cursory warning.
The contents of this blog are made up of a combination of my personal opinion and factual snippets. I will make no apologies for my personal opinion, as like Ronseal, it is exactly what it says on the tin.
If you do not agree with my opinion then please leave a comment or send me a PM; but always remember, just like with the TV, you don’t have to read on if you are offended/enraged. You are free at any time to leave my blog and never return.
This clause, even to me, is sounding like I am some kind of right wing monster. In fact I am a liberal, but I do know how high a soapbox the ‘morally offended’ seem to climb on when given a poke.
Thank you for reading this far…..I hope you do stay to read further.
I thought I'd open this blog with a cursory warning.
The contents of this blog are made up of a combination of my personal opinion and factual snippets. I will make no apologies for my personal opinion, as like Ronseal, it is exactly what it says on the tin.
If you do not agree with my opinion then please leave a comment or send me a PM; but always remember, just like with the TV, you don’t have to read on if you are offended/enraged. You are free at any time to leave my blog and never return.
This clause, even to me, is sounding like I am some kind of right wing monster. In fact I am a liberal, but I do know how high a soapbox the ‘morally offended’ seem to climb on when given a poke.
Thank you for reading this far…..I hope you do stay to read further.
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